Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stats now with more custom minis!

Simple repaint of C-3PO from Rebel Storm with repositioning 
of the right arm.  

R-3PO of Hoth 


Assault on Hoth 4/15

Cost: 11  
Hit Points:  30
Defense:  14
Attack:  0
Damage:  0
Rarity: Rare 
Base: Medium 
Gender: It 

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Industrial Repair 30 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 30 damage from 1 character with Mounted Weapon)
It's a Trap! (Enemies with Stealth within 6 squares lose Stealth)

Commander Effect
Droids are subject to this commander effect, allies whose name contains Astromech or Treadwell gain Industrial Repair 10

R-3PO is known for his distinctive red coloring, a tattoo on his left posterior plating reading "Thank The Maker"

Snowtrooper Demolitonist
Elite Clone Trooper from Universe, with backpack and
thermal detonator added.

Snowtrooper Demolitonist 


Assault on Hoth 13/15

Cost: 8  
Hit Points:  20
Defense:  16
Attack:  4
Damage:  10
Rarity: Common 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
MM-40 Thermal Charge (Replaces attacks, target adjacent square. At the end of your turn all characters adjacent to that square take 20 Damage that cannot be reduced by Special Abilities, Save 11. All doors adjacent to that square are considered open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed.)
Satchel Charge (Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed)

Thermal detonator tape was used to explosively breach sealed doors.

Snowtrooper Officer
Galactic Marine from The Clone Wars repainted

Snowtrooper Officer 


Assault on Hoth 14/15

Cost:    16  
Hit Points:  50
Defense:  18
Attack:  8
Damage:  20
Rarity: Common 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Commander Effect
At the end of this character's turn one adjacent trooper follower may make an immediate attack at +4 Attack, +20 Damage

Snowtroopers were deployed under Death Squadron's Blizzard Force during the Battle of Hoth.

Imperial Commander
Imperial Naval Trooper from The Force Unleashed head
on Imperial Officer from Rebel Storm, repainted

Imperial Commander 
Band Aids and Hand Grenades 29/60

Cost: 15  
Hit Points:  50
Defense:  14
Attack:  3
Damage:  10
Rarity: Uncommon 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Commander Effect
Allied characters are treated as having the same name as each other, only for purposes of special abilities whose name contains Squad.

Since the earliest days of the Galactic Empire, the position of commander had been used and certain members of this rank often participated in ground engagements alongside Stormtroopers

Sandtrooper Sergeant 
Felucian Stormtrooper Officer head from The Force Unleashed 
head on Sandtrooper from Champions of the Force  body

Sandtrooper Sergeant 


Band Aids and Hand Grenades 33/60

Cost: 15  
Hit Points:  40
Defense:  18
Attack:  8
Damage:  20
Rarity: Common 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Rangefinder (Replaces attacks: Adjacent allies who do not move get +4 Attack against nonadjacent enemies this round)
Recon (Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy)

Commander Effect
Trooper Followers gain Grenades 20 and Sniper

Sergeants formed the backbone of the Imperial Army.

Stormtrooper Squad Leader
Stormtrooper Officer from Alliance and Empire head on Han Solo in 
Stormtrooper Armor from Alliance and Empire rebased.

Stormtrooper Squad Leader 


Band Aids & Hand Grenades 36/60

Cost:  11  
Hit Points:  30
Defense:  18
Attack:  8
Damage:  10
Rarity: Uncommon 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Commander Effect
Allied Troopers within 6 squares gain Squad Firepower

Imperial stormtroopers who demonstrated skills in leadership could be promoted to officer status.

Veteran Sandtrooper on Dewback
Simple repaint of Sandtrooper on Dewback from Rebel Storm,
filled the huge seam on the back with the amazing green stuff.

Veteran Sandtrooper on Dewback 


Band Aids & Hand Grenades 38/60

Cost:  32  
Hit Points:  80
Defense:  18
Attack:  8
Damage:  20
Rarity: Rare 
Base: Large 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Charging Assault +10 (Replaces turn: Can move up to double speed, then make an attack at +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy)
Melee Reach 2 (When attacking, this character treats enemies up to 2 squares away as adjacent)
Momentum (If this character has moved this turn, he gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Speed 10 (Can move up to 10 squares and attack, or 20 squares without attacking)
Stable Footing (Not slowed by difficult terrain or low objects.)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

The Galactic Empire's Sandtroopers rode dewbacks as a light cavalry unit, capable of speeds as fast as 50 kilometers per hour for short periods of time.

Veteran Stomtrooper
Knight Models Stormtrooper

Veteran Stormtrooper


Band Aids & Hand Grenades 39/60

Cost: 14  
Hit Points:  40
Defense:  16
Attack:  8
Damage:  10
Rarity: Common 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Squad Assault (+4 Attack while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares)
Squad Cover (+4 Defense while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares)
Squad Firepower (+10 Damage while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares)

In battle working as a team is the best means of survival

Gammorean Enforcer
Gammorean Thug from Bounty Hunters head on D&D 
mini body.

Gammorean Enforcer 


Band Aids & Hand Grenades 45/60

Cost: 16  
Hit Points:  70
Defense:  14
Attack:  6
Damage:  20
Rarity: Common 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Melee Reach 2 (When attacking, this character treats enemies up to 2 squares away as adjacent)
Immobilize (An enemy adjacent to an ally hit by this character's attack may not move until the end of the round.)
Threatening Reach (This character may make attacks of opportunity against enemies within 2 squares.)

Gamorreans away from their home planet or colony were usually employed as mercenary fighters, guards, bounty hunters or heavy laborers.

Ree Yees
Gran Raider from Clone Strike, repainted

Ree Yees 
Band Aids and Hand Grenades 54/60

Cost:  8  
Hit Points:  30
Defense:  15
Attack:  5
Damage:  10
Rarity: Very Rare 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Bravado (+4 Attack and +20 Damage against an adjacent enemy with a higher point cost)
Drunken Brawler (Immune to effects of Humanocentrist, Special Abilities that contain the word Poison, and Special Abilities and Force Powers that effect activation status. Cannot benefit from Commander Effects that grant Special Abilites or Stat Bonuses. This character is -4 for all Saves)
Opportunist (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)
Self-Destruct 40 (When this character is defeated, each adjacent character takes 40 damage)

The distrustful Jabba had a short-range bomb implanted in him. When Jabba said a certain phrase, the bomb would explode, killing Ree-Yees and any one next to him. This bomb could be used to kill an assassin, or if Ree-Yees himself was planning to kill Jabba (as he was).

Weequay Berserker
Weequay Mercenary from Clone Strike, top half on
Weequay Leader from Bounty Hunters bottom half

Weequay Berserker 
Band-Aids & Hand Grenades 58/60

Cost: 9  
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: 7
Damage: 10
Rarity: Common 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Momentum (If this character has moved this turn, he gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Hidden Attack (+20 damage against enemies that it does not have Line of Sight to at the beginning of its turn)

Stormtrooper Genadier
Knight Models Stormtrooper

Stormtrooper Grenadier 

Critical Strike Part I 39/60

Cost:   6 
Hit Points:  10
Defense:  16
Attack:  3
Damage:  10
Rarity: Common 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Grenades 10 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)

Ewok Catapult
highly customized chinese catapult miniature with Ewok from
Rebel Storm.  I still have some more work to do on
this one.

Ewok Catapult 
Critical Strike Part I 49/60

Cost: 18  
Hit Points:  90
Defense:  14
Attack:  6
Damage:  30
Rarity: Uncommon 
Base: Huge 
Gender: It 

Special Abilities
Emplacement (Cannot move or be moved. Set up anywhere on your half of the battle map.)
Fragile 40 (This character can't attack as long as its Hit Points total is less than 40)
Gang +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each other Ewok ally within 6 squares of that target)
Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character)
Natural Camoflauge (This character cannot be targeted by an ememy if it has cover until an ally has taken damage, or it attacks. Characters with Ambush, Backlash, or It's a Trap! can ignore this ability for the purpose of attacking this character.)
Regeneration 10 (If this character doesn't move on its turn, remove 10 damage from it at the end of that turn)
Splash 10 (If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.)
Wooden Construction (Immune to effects of Ion Gun. Double damage from Flamethrower.)

"«Fire the catapult!»"―Chief Chirpa

Security Stormtrooper
Felucian Stormtrooper Officer from The Force Unleashed, 
repainted all white to remove the blue stripes.

Security Stormtrooper 
Critical Strike Part II 37/40

Cost:  9  
Hit Points:  20
Defense:  16
Attack:  4
Damage:  10
Rarity: Uncommon 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Sonic Stunner (Replaces attacks: range 6; living target and each living character adjacent to that target are considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger characters ignore this special ability.)
Alert (Enemies attacking this character, receive no bonuses from Cunning Attack, Opportunist, Deceptive or Advantageous Attack.)

"There's one set for stun"

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