part ii :Finally some familiar faces
Bothan Infiltrator
Cost: 22
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 15
Attack: 5
Damage: 10
Rarity: Common
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Special Abilities
Cloaked (If this character has cover, he cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies)
Grenades 30 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)
Infiltration Expert (Set up anywhere on your half of the battle map.)
Intuition (Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to his speed before any other character activates)
Chosen for both skill and motivation, Infiltrators were tasked with the riskiest missions.
C-3PO of Cloud City
Cost: 4
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 12
Attack: 0
Damage: 0
Rarity: Rare
Base: Small
Gender: Male
Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Speed 0
Disruptive (Suppresses enemy commander effects within 6 squares)
Net Sack (At the end of this characters turn he may be placed adjacent an ally whose name contains Chewbacca or R2-D2 within 12 squares)
Well, at least your still in one piece! Look what happened to me!
Captain Solo
Cost: 33
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 16
Attack: 9
Damage: 20
Rarity: Rare
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Special Abilities
Unique (Counts as Han Solo)
Avoid Anymore Female Advice (This character and followers within 2 squares are not subject to Commander Effects from characters whose name contains Leia. Allies within 2 squares gain Flanking Support)
Corellian Overdrive (Whenever an enemy targets it, this character must attempt a save of 11. On a success, the attack is redirected to another legal target of your opponent's choice. If there is no other target the attack is resolved normally against this character.)
Intrepid (Once per round, after all activations on both sides have been played, this character can immediately move up to its speed before round is finished. This does not count as an activation and this character must take their turn as normal during the round.)
Mercenary (This character can move only if he cannot make an attack from his starting space)
Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after attacking)
Opportunist (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)
Smuggler's Luck (If this character is adjacent to a Dejarik ally at the start of a round, roll twice for initiative)
"What good is a reward if you ain't around to use it?" -Han Solo to Luke Skywalker minutes prior to the Battle of Yavin
Chewbacca, Enforcer
Cost: 26
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 17
Attack: 8
Damage: 20
Rarity: Very Rare
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Special Abilities
Momentum (If this character has moved this turn, he gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Rolling Cleave (Once per turn, if this character defeats an adjacent enemy by making an attack, he can immediately move 1 square and then make 1 attack against another adjacent enemy without provoking an attack of opportunity)
Wookiee Intimidation (Lower cost adjacent enemies of base size Medium or smaller may not activate or continue moving, save 11.)
Rapport (A character with the Dejarik Special Ability costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)
"... droids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." - Han Solo
Commander Skywalker of Hoth
Cost: 19
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: 8
Damage: 10
Rarity: Rare
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Special Abilities
Avoid Defeat (Whenever this character would be defeated, make 2 saves, each needing 11; if both succeed, this character has 10 Hit Points instead of being defeated)
Cho Sun (On an attack against an adjacent enemy if the attack roll inclusive of all bonus is greater than 15 above the enemy's defense stat including all bonuses target is -20 Damage for the rest of the skirmish. If target can prevent damage with a Special Ability or Force Power they can ignore this effect. If damage is assigned to character through Bodyguard Special Ability, that character is -20 Damage for the rest of the skirmish. If damage is taken target may not activate again until they can make a Save of 16 at the beginning of their next turn.)
Lightsaber (+10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Force Powers
Force 3
Anticipation (Force 1: Reroll initiative once per round)
Force Push 1 (Force 1, replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage; push back target 1 square if Huge or smaller)
Knight Speed (Force 1: This character can move 4 extra squares on his turn as part of his move)
...a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth.
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