Sunday, July 1, 2012

Critical Strike Part II


Admiral Motti 
32/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost:  46  
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 15
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Rarity: Rare 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Imperial Reinforcements 30 (During setup, after seeing your opponent's squad, you can add up to 30 points of Imperial characters to your squad)

Commander Effect
 If you have lost initiative allies are +10 Damage this round.

Commander Jir 
33/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost: 19  
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 16
Attack: 9
Damage: 10
Rarity: Very Rare 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Deadly Attack (Scores a critical hit on an attack roll of natural 19 or 20)
Affinity (Characters whose names contain 501st may be in your squad regardless of faction)

Commander Effect
Trooper allies gain Ambush.

Commander Daine Jir became Vader's aide-de-camp in the opening years of the Galactic Civil War, as one of the select few Imperial officers who had ever earned his respect.

Darth Vader, Hunter of the Jedi 
34/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost:  56  
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 21
Attack: 14
Damage: 20
Rarity: Very Rare 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Cho Sun (On an attack against an adjacent enemy if the attack roll inclusive of all bonus is greater than 15 above the enemy's defense stat including all bonuses target is -20 Damage for the rest of the skirmish. If target can prevent damage with a Special Ability or Force Power they can ignore this effect. If damage is assigned to character through Bodyguard Special Ability, that character is -20 Damage for the rest of the skirmish. If damage is taken target may not activate again until they can make a Save of 16 at the beginning of their next turn.)
Jedi Hunter (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against enemies with Force ratings)

Force Powers
Force 5
Lightsaber Defense (Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Lightsaber Riposte (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker)
Sith Rage (Force 1: +10 Damage on all attacks this turn)

Darth Vader became one of the greatest Jedi hunters in the history of the galaxy.

High General Tagge 
35/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost:  28  
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 16
Attack: 3
Damage: 10
Rarity: Rare 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Imperial Reinforcements 20 (During setup, after seeing your opponent's squad, you can add up to 20 points of Imperial non-Unique characters to your squad.)

Commander Effect
When an allied commander is the first character to be activated this round, followers gain +2 Attack, +2 Defense this round.

Inquisitor Jerec 
36/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost:  58  
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 20
Attack: 11
Damage: 20
Rarity: Rare 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Domineering (This character may not be in a squad with a character of a higher point cost.)
Intrepid (Once per round, after all activations on both sides have been played, this character can immediately move up to its speed before round is finished. This does not count as an activation and this character must take their turn as normal during the round.)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Force Push 4 (Force 4, replaces attacks: sight; 40 damage; push back target 4 squares if Huge or smaller)
Force Corruption 4 (Force 4, replaces attacks: range 6, non-Droids only; 40 damage and target is corrupted. Each time the corrupted character activates, it must attempt a save of 11. On a failure, that character takes 40 damage. On a success, that character is no longer corrupted.)
Lightsaber Defense (Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Surprise Move (Force 1; Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to his Speed before any other character activates)

Commander Effect
Once per turn, each follower within 6 squares may reroll 1 attack at +4 Attack. If the result of the rerolled attack is a miss, the attacking character takes 10 Damage.

High Inquisitor Jerec was able to find the legendary well of energy, and reached incredible heights of power by basking in its aura.

Loka Hask 
37/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost: 29  
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 16
Attack: 5
Damage: 10
Rarity: Very Rare 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Gravity Well Projection (Replaces turn; Character's with Flight gain Speed 2 and all other characters can only move at half speed until the end of this character's next turn.)

Commander Effect
Each follower that ends its move within 6 squares of this character can move 4 extra squares at the end of its turn.

A Corellian limpet permanently grafted itself onto the left side of Hask's face, giving him a grotesque appearance.

Security Stormtrooper
38/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost: 9  
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 16
Attack: 4
Damage: 10
Rarity: Uncommon 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Sonic Stunner (Replaces attacks: range 6; living target and each living character adjacent to that target are considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger characters ignore this special ability.)
Alert (Enemies attacking this character, receive no bonuses from Cunning Attack, Opportunist, Deceptive or Advantageous Attack.)

"There's one, set for stun"

Stormtrooper Demolitionist
39/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost:  6  
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 16
Attack: 4
Damage: 10
Rarity: Common 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Satchel Charge (Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed)

Stormtrooper Sergeant 
40/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost: 10  
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 17
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Rarity: Uncommon 
Base: Medium 
Gender: Male 

Commander Effect
Characters in this character's squad whose name contains Stormtrooper are considered to have the same name for the purposes of Special Abilites that contain Squad.

Veteran Scout Trooper on Speeder 
41/60 Critical Strike Part II

Cost: 29  
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 18
Attack: 8
Damage: 20
Rarity: Uncommon 
Base: Large 
Gender: Male 

Special Abilities
Evade (When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Lightning Speed (Whenever this character damages an enemy, this character has +4 Speed until end of its next turn. This bonus stacks.)
Passing Shot (During this character's move, it can attack one enemy that is a legal target and continue moving. This ability is usable only on this character's turn. The square from which this character makes an attack must be a legal square to end movement in, even if it the character has not yet ended its movement. During its move this character may not move directly back into a square it has just left.)
Speed 12 (Can move up to 12 squares and attack, or 24 squares without attacking)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

Speeder bikes became a signature piece of equipment utilized by the scout troopers, thus earning them the nickname "biker scouts."

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